This blog will try to touch some of the problems i run into in my day to day job, the information i find about them, and hopefully most of the time the solutions as well.
Here are some of the important points for you when reading this blog:
- Im not only lazy but neither native English, as such i do not only skip adding some accents, commas, dots, etc, but I may also commit some grammatical errors, please feel free to correct me in a comment, and i will fix the text in the post.
- Unfortunately im lousy in keeping all the links of the pages where i read any information about a specific topic. This means that even though i will try to, I might not include all the sources in my posts. These posts are not for a scientific degree. The fact that something is written in this post without any reference, does not mean that i came up or invented a specific solution. Please dont hold me to it.
- If you find any errors or have any comments to any of the posts, please feel free to write. I accept and even like critics, especially if they have truth in them.
- This blog is moderated, so dont spam me with comments that are not on the topic, or would be filtered out anyways (e.g not correct language, adult content, whatever...)
Have a fun reading!