Wednesday, April 4, 2012


For a while now i was thinking about starting a blog, especially after having worked with Daniel Mazzini, and having seen that a blog can actually be a quite good idea, not just for the general public, but for yourself too.

This blog will try to touch some of the problems i run into in my day to day job, the information i find about them, and hopefully most of the time the solutions as well.
Here are some of the important points for you when reading this blog:
  1. Im not only lazy but neither native English, as such i do not only skip adding some accents, commas, dots, etc, but I may also commit some grammatical errors, please feel free to correct me in a comment, and i will fix the text in the post.
  2. Unfortunately im lousy in keeping all the links of the pages where i read any information about a specific topic. This means that even though i will try to, I might not include all the sources in my posts. These posts are not for a scientific degree. The fact that something is written in this post without any reference, does not mean that i came up or invented a specific solution. Please dont hold me to it.
  3. If you find any errors or have any comments to any of the posts, please feel free to write. I accept and even like critics, especially if they have truth in them.
  4. This blog is moderated, so dont spam me with comments that are not on the topic, or would be filtered out anyways (e.g not correct language, adult content, whatever...)
I think after laying down the rules, there is nothing else left then to thank you for reading this. I hope that you will find the posts useful, and they will solve some of your problems too.

Have a fun reading!